
Evensong Contemplative Worship

Evensong Contemplative Worship

A meditative, choral service originating from the Anglican church, using a set framework of prayers, psalms, and canticles, to be offered as daylight diminishes.  This 450 year old service is being reclaimed by many Protestant congregations across the country.

Evensong is part of our series of Lenten Contemplative Worship services, which draw upon ancient and emerging spiritual traditions, using a diversity of resources from Christian communities across the globe.  Worshipers can expect a warm, welcoming, sacred space lit by candlelight, contemplative prayer, and simple, distinctive music that calls us to a richer communion with God and neighbor.  Although there may be short readings, there will be no sermons or homilies, leaving room for your own prayerful ponderings.  To learn more about our Lenten Contemplative Worship Series, click here.
