
Ash Wednesday Service | February 14, 2018

Ash Wednesday

Preaching - Rev. Mikah Hudson

Liturgist - Rev. Deb Welsh

Choirmaster & Organist - Richard Phillips

Joel 2:1-17
Psalm 103:8-14
2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10
Matthew 6:1-21

Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
Depth of Mercy

Psalm:  Plainsong: Tone VIIIa

Offertory: Miserere mei, Deus; Gregorio Allegri; Chamber Choir: Savannah Busby, Rachel Hancock, Emilee Cornwell, Ellis Landers, Brian Bellenger

Music During Imposition of Ashes: Psalm 51; Plainsong: Tone IV
