
Highlands Worship Service | February 10, 2019

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Preaching – Reggie Holder
Liturgist – The Reverend Mikah Hudson, The Reverend Deb Welsh
Children's Moment – Romona Shannon
Choirmaster and Organist – Richard Phillips

Psalm 138
Isaiah 6:1-8
Luke 5:1-11

Prelude: Prelude on Holy, Holy, Holy - Carolyn Hamlin

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
Faith, While Trees Are Still in Blossom
Amazing Grace

Psalm Chant: Samuel Wesley

Offertory Anthem: Sanctus from Messe de Requiem, Op. 48 - Gabriel Fauré

Choral Benedition: Sevenfold Amens - Peter Christian Lutkin

Voluntary: Trisagion on NICEAEA - Vernon Griffiths

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