Kassie Doggett
Want Kassie to show you around Highlands? Fill out the form below and she’ll get in contact with you to schedule a time to meet up!
What are your favorite things about Highlands?
Highlands intention to be in and serve the community for good (Heart & Hand Sundays, speakers about societal issues, Community Ministries, Project ID, RIP Medical Debt Relief, etc,). I like that we’re serious about learning and growing through worship services and fellowship opportunities AND that the learning and growing is mixed with levity in our potlucks, parade participation, small groups, and holiday celebrations, etc.
What is your favorite place to vacation?
Not sure that I have one consistent place - I like to travel to different places to see different things. I feel like over the last several years I’ve ended up in Fairhope more often than not but that might be due to the RSA discount dates.
What is a favorite movieor book?
The Breakfast Club and any travel book by Rick Steves for Destinations TBD.