
Serve In Worship

At Highlands, all are welcome and invited to serve in worship! Most service opportunities require minimal training and time commitment. To begin serving in worship, click the button below to choose a date to serve. Contact the area coordinator listed below for additional information and any necessary training.

*Individuals may only sign up to acolyte if they have completed acolyte training with the worship coordinator or a member of the clergy. Serving as a Lay Reader or Communion Steward does not require prior training, but instructions will be sent prior to scheduled service date.

Lay Readers

Lay Readers give voice to sacred scripture each week during worship. Anyone who can read can serve, even children! Scripture passages and instructions will be sent via email prior to your scheduled week.  Click here to sign up: Lay Reader Sign Up Page.
For more information please contact: Warren Laird, Lay Reader Coordinator

Communion Stewards

Communion stewards assist clergy in administering the sacrament of Holy Communion. Communion Stewards will need to meet with the Verger 15 minutes prior to the service to receive training and instructions. Communion Stewards are needed for the first Sunday of each month and on special days throughout the year.
For more information please contact: Leisha Harris, Communion Steward Coordinator


Acolytes assist in worship by carrying the processional crosses, torches, banners, and gospel book, as well as distributing collection plates and other duties as needed. Acolyting is open to all adults, youth, and children who are in 4th grade or older. Training is required; group training session takes place each September, but individual training may be arranged as necessary.
Acolyte Sign Up Page
For more information please contact: Leigh Delashaw, Acolyte Coordinator


Ushers assist the congregation during worship including distributing bulletins, collecting tithes and offerings, and guiding the flow of people during Holy Communion. Minimal training is required for this position. Head Ushers serve for one month during the year.
For more information please contact: Dave Davis, Usher Coordinator

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is responsible for ensuring that the Sanctuary, Altar, and Chancel are prepared for worship each week. This includes setting the Altar table for worship, preparing Holy Communion elements, refilling candle oil, changing paraments according to the liturgical season, and numerous other necessary tasks. Training is required for this position. Altar Guild members serve for one month during the year.
For more information please contact: Lynn L’Eplattenier or Leslie Davis, Altar Guild Coordinators


Vergers are responsible for assisting the clergy with the logistics of services. Specifically, the Verger is responsible for ensuring that the Sanctuary is prepared and ready for the service; for meeting with service participants to ensure they know what to expect; and to guide and direct the participants throughout the service. The role of Verger at Highlands is essential to the smooth flow of worship. For more information please contact: Brian Bellenger, Worship Coordinator

AV and Livestream Technician

AV and Livestream Technicians assist in worship by adjusting microphone levels, making archival recordings, and operating the livestream of worship services. Training is required to serve in this position.
For more information please contact: Mary Elizabeth Neal, AV Coordinator
