
Fall Studies at Highlands

All adults are invited to join one of our spiritual formation classes offered this Fall. Being part of a fall class or small group focused on Adult Christian Formation offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and deepening one's faith. In a supportive and nurturing environment, individuals can engage in meaningful discussions, study scripture together, and explore theological concepts that can enrich their understanding of God and the Christian faith. Through study and reading together, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God, gain new insights, and strengthen our spiritual lives. This intentional focus on Christian formation during the fall season allows us to prepare our hearts and minds for the upcoming year, equipping us with the knowledge and tools needed to live out our faith in a meaningful and impactful way. By actively participating in a class or small group, we can experience personal transformation, build community with fellow believers, and ultimately grow closer to God as we journey together on the path of discipleship.

Sunday School Offerings

The Will of God


After City Temple in London was reduced to rubble during World War II, the Reverend Leslie Weatherhead crafted five sermons on understanding the will of God to help his congregation as their city and church crumbled around them. These sermons were eventually published as The Will of God, a resource that has sold more than one million copies and has been a lifeline for those grieving and seeking to understand the intent and will of God amid pain, sorrow, and suffering. Scott Williams will lead us as we explore this long-lasting Christian classic and help us make sense of God’s will.

Led by Scott Williams
Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Room 209

More Basic Christian Beliefs


Dr. Larry Brasher, Denson N. Franklin Professor of Religion Emeritus, Birmingham-Southern College, and long-time Highlands’ congregant, will once again lead us in a class exploring our Basic Christian Beliefs. Continuing to draw on the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed, we will explore beliefs about how God reveals God's self, the attributes of God, the Trinity, the meanings of Sin and Salvation, and affirmations about the Future. Drawing on a lifetime of United Methodism, years of teaching, and wry observations, Dr. Brasher will delight and inform you about the Christian Faith, both ancient and contemporary.

Led by Dr. Larry Brasher
Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in The Chapel

Two Peas in A God Pod


  • “How America Got Mean” – David Brooks – The Atlantic

    In a culture devoid of moral education, generations are growing up in a morally inarticulate, self-referential world.


  • “Love In Action” – John Lewis – On Being With Krista Tippett

     An extraordinary conversation with the late congressman John Lewis, taped in Montgomery, Alabama, during a pilgrimage 50 years after the March on Washington. It offers a special look inside his wisdom, the civil rights leaders’ spiritual confrontation within themselves, and the intricate art of nonviolence as “love in action.”


  • “Responding With Grace When Political Temperatures Rise” – The Russell Moore Show

     How can Christians act with integrity, fortitude, and gospel hope in a volatile political season?

    That’s the question that David French, Curtis Chang, Ashley Hales, and Russell Moore consider on this special episode. Recorded live at a spring The After Party event in Washington, DC, this spring, the first half of the episode features a live panel discussion. In the second half, Moore, Chang, and French consider audience questions on practical engagement for Christians.


  • “Economic Inequality and Crony Capitalism” – Dr. Anne Bradly – Think Biblically

     It seems that every time an election season comes around, candidates decry growing economic inequality and demand for solutions to "make things more equal." In addition, it is not uncommon to hear about our economic system being rigged to favor the rich and powerful. Join us for this stimulating conversation with economist Dr. Anne Bradley, who put inequality in theological perspective and addresses the problems associated with crony capitalism. 

     Dr. Anne Bradley, Ph.D. is Vice President for Economic Initiatives for the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics in Washington, DC. She also serves as visiting Professor of Economics at Georgetown University and George Mason University. She the author/editor of Counting the Cost: Christian Perspectives on Capitalism, For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty and Be Fruitful and Multiply: Why Economics is Necessary for Making God-Pleasing Decisions. 


  • “Pro-Life, Pro-Choice” – Rachel Held Evans – The Liturgist

     Alabama recently approved a measure that would outlaw almost all abortions in the state, setting up a challenge to Roe v. Wade, the case that recognized a woman's constitutional right to end a pregnancy. Few issues are more divisive than abortion. Few topics push on our most fundamental ideas about life, personhood, and morality. Back in 2015, Rachel Held Evans, Science Mike, and Michael Gungor take a look a simple, controversial question: Are you pro-life or pro-choice? For more information on Rachel Held Evans’ work, and to learn how to support her family following her tragic passing, visit rachelheldevans.com


  • “What Is Privilege And What Do I Do With It?” – Jasmine Bradshaw – First Name Basis

     Confronting privilege is an uncomfortable process, but when you choose to face that discomfort head on you will find liberation, not only for you but for the People of Color who have been disenfranchised by the system that has granted you privilege. 


Dr. Weily Soong and Dr. Sonya Heath are back to help us investigate faith and religion through six wonderful, curated podcasts worth listening to, pondering, and discussing together. This class is a terrific opportunity to practice having better religious conversations with one another. Podcasts for discussion will include the work of David Brooks, John Lewis, Jon Mecham, reflecting on our current political climate through the eyes of our faith, gender issues, and women’s rights.

Led by Dr. Weily Soong and Dr. Sonya Heath
Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Room 204

Download full class schedule.

Fall Study Opportunities

It’s Complicated: Difficult Topics in Scripture


What authority does scripture have? What are we to make of the Biblical idea of creation? Why is the Old Testament so violent and misogynistic? What do Christians believe about Hell? How do we resolve contradictions in scripture? Why is the Apostle Paul so complicated? What are we to make of Revelation? Is Jesus the only way? Through stimulating conversation, we will look at some of the tough questions raised about the tension between what we read in the Bible and our own beliefs and practices.

Led by Reggie Holder
Sundays at 5:00 p.m. or Tuesdays at Noon in Room 204

Lunch available for Tuesday classes with weekly RSVP.
