The Third Sunday of Easter
Preaching - Rev. Mikah Hudson
Liturgist and Children's Moment - Reggie Holder
Choirmaster and Organist - Richard Phillips
Psalm 4
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48
Preludes: Chorale Prelude on Christ Lag In Todesbanden, BWV 625; Johann Sebastian Bach
Thine Be the Glory
Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus
Christ Is Alive
Psalm Setting: Anglican Chant: George Elvey
Offertory Anthem: Surely He Hath Bourne Our Griefs from Messiah; George Frederick Handel
Choral Benediction: Psalm 150; George Thomas Talbot
Voluntary: Chorale Prelude on A Melody by Mechior Vulpius; Healey Willan