The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Preaching - The Reverend Mikah Hudson
Liturgist - The Reverend Deb Welsh
Choirmaster and Organist - Richard Phillips
Children's Moment - Reggie Holder
Psalm 107:1-2, 17-22
2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Mark 4:35-41
Prelude: Voluntary and Fugue in A Minor; John Stanley
God of Grace and God of Glory
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
To Us All, to Every Nation
Psalm Setting: Anglican Chant: Edward Bairstow
Offertory Anthem: O Sing Unto the Lord; Henry Purcell
Choral Benediction: Sevenfold Amens; Peter Christian Lutkin
Voluntary: Voluntary on the 100th Psalm Tune; Henry Purcell