
Highlands Worship Service | February 25, 2018

The Second Sunday in Lent

Preaching - Rev. Mikah Hudson

Liturgist - Rev. Deb Welsh

Children's Moment - Reggie Holder

Choirmaster & Organist - Richard Phillips

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:25-31
Romans 4:13-25

Prelude: Choral Prelude on Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten, BWV 642; Johann Sebastian Bach

The God of Abraham Praise
Let Us Plead for Faith Alone
Fairest Lord Jesus

Psalm:  Anglican Chant: Henry Smart

Offertory Anthem: Jesus, So Lowly; Harold Friedell

Retiring Voluntary:  Fugue No. 1 on BACH, Opus 60; Robert Schumann
