Choral Evensong for Lent
Richard Phillips, Choirmaster and Organist
The Choir of Highlands United Methodist Church
Romans 6:3-14
Psalm 84:1-4, 12-13
John 5:19-24
Setting: Evening Service in G Minor; Henry Purcell
Preces and Responses: Thomas Tallis
Prelude: Fugue on Erbarm' dich mein, O Herre Gott; Heinrich Bach
Introit: A Prayer of King Henry VI; Henry Ley
Hymns: Abide With Me, The Day Is Past and Over
Psalm: Anglican Chant: Charles H. Parry
Anthem: The King of Love My Shepherd Is; Sir Edward C. Bairstow
Voluntary: Praeludium e Fugue in C Minor; Jan Zach