
Online Worship Service | August 1, 2021

Online Worship for Sunday, July 25, 2021 - The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

Preaching – Rev. Mikah Hudson
Liturgists – Reggie Holder, Sutton Smith
Choirmaster and Organist – Richard Phillips
Verger – Brian Bellenger

Ephesians 4:1-16
John 6:24-35

Prelude: Fugue from Preludium and Fugue in C Minor - Jan Zach

Become to Us the Living Bread (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
O Church of God, United (ELLACOMBE)

Communion Musical Setting: Richard Proulx

Anthem: O Bread of Live from Heaven - David Ashley White
Carol Ann Head, soprano; Kara Cargile, alto

Communion Anthem: O Taste and See - Ralph Vaughn Williams
Lindsay Dawson, soprano soloist

Voluntary: Fugue in D Major from Durezza and Fugue - Johann Krieger
