The Choir of Highlands United Methodist Church
Richard Phillips, Choirmaster and Organist
The Reverend Mikah Hudson, Officiant
Prelude: Andante in B Flat Major No. II from Three Organ Preludes - T. Frederick H. Candlyn (1892-1964)
Introit: Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences - Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Setting: Magnificat and Nunc Dimintis in F Major - Harold Friedell (1905-1985)
Preces and Resonses: Michael J. Gibson (b. 1939)
Anthem: Sure, On This Shining Night by Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943)
Retiring Voluntary: Benedictus - Alec Rowley (1892-1985)