Highlands Events | Highlands United Methodist Church `
Filtering by: Atrium

Blessing of the Costumes
11:45 AM11:45

Blessing of the Costumes

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Sunday, October 27 to celebrate Halloween Highlands style! Wear your costumes to church and join us following worship for a seasonal fellowship meal and a carnival for the kids. We are in need of baked goods for a cake walk, additional Halloween decorations, and volunteers to help run simple carnival games and distribute prizes during the event. If you are able to help make this day memorable and fun for the children in our church, please contact Mary Elizabeth Neal at maryelizabeth@highlandsumc.net.

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Youth Mission Trip Stock Sale
to Jun 15

Youth Mission Trip Stock Sale

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Your purchase of a share or shares of stock is an investment in the Highlands United Methodist Youth Mission Trip.  It is an investment in the lives of our young people. It is an investment that allows our young people to experience an intentional, guided opportunity to be the loving presence of God. It is an investment that allows the heartbeat of Highlands UMC to be heard and felt in rural Tennessee by low-income residents who are happy to have a helping hand.

Purchasing shares in this trip represents an investment in transformation – in our young people, in a low-income Tennessee county, in the future of Highlands UMC. It will allow our young people to have a never-to-be forgotten experience in serving God by serving others.

As a shareholder, you will receive updates from the trip, photos, and correspondence updating you on what your investment has allowed to happen. The biggest payoff, what your investment does for the spiritual development of our church’s young people, may take years to be fully realized.

Thank you for considering this investment worthwhile.

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Lenten Offering: Medical Debt Forgiveness
to Apr 1

Lenten Offering: Medical Debt Forgiveness

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Special Offering: Medical Debt Forgiveness

This Lent and Eastertide, Highlands is partnering with RIP Medical Debt, a non-profit organization dedicated to removing the burden of medical debt, using sophisticated data analytics to pinpoint the debt portfolios of those most in need of relief. RIP purchases unpaid and unpayable debt at significantly reduced rates; this debt is forgiven, no strings attached. For every $1 donated, an average of $100 in debilitating debt is forgiven. We have set a goal to relieve ONE MILLION DOLLARS of medical debt in the greater Birmingham area by raising $10,000 through a special Lenten and Easter Offering. We hope you will join us in this worthy cause this season.

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Blessing of the Costumes
11:45 AM11:45

Blessing of the Costumes

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Sunday, October 29 to celebrate Halloween Highlands style! Wear your costumes to church and join us following worship for a seasonal fellowship meal and a carnival for the kids. We are in need of baked goods for a cake walk, additional Halloween decorations, and volunteers to help run simple carnival games and distribute prizes during the event. If you are able to help make this day memorable and fun for the children in our church, please contact Mary Elizabeth Neal at maryelizabeth@highlandsumc.net.

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The Place of Atrium at Highlands
9:30 AM09:30

The Place of Atrium at Highlands

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You may have heard of Atrium or even visited the beautiful and unique space set aside for our children, yet still feel like you don’t quiteunderstand the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and how it fits in atHighlands. Join us for Adult Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall to hear more about the goals and structure of Atrium, sample a few lessons, and learn more about the effect of the Atrium on our youth and congregation.

Children (age 3-5th grade) are invited back for another great year in theAtrium, starting at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 10. Parents are invited to meet the catechists and take a tour of their child's level before joining Adult Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall. This is an intentional part of the adult lesson; please feel free to stay and observe in the Atrium for a while.

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Blessing of the Backpacks and Back to School Church Cook Out
11:30 AM11:30

Blessing of the Backpacks and Back to School Church Cook Out

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Summer After-Church Cook Outs

Each month this summer, we’ll have an after-church cook out serving up grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with sides, desserts, and plenty of fellowship. Suggested donation of $10/person or $25/family. Join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship. All are welcome and invited!

August 13 – Back to School

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Summer After-Church Cook Out - Fourth of July Weekend
11:30 AM11:30

Summer After-Church Cook Out - Fourth of July Weekend

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Summer After-Church Cook Outs

Each month this summer, we’ll have an after-church cook out serving up grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with sides, desserts, and plenty of fellowship. Suggested donation of $10/person or $25/family. Join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship. All are welcome and invited!

July 2 – Fourth of July Weekend
August 13 – Back to School

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Summer After-Church Cook Out - Father's Day
11:30 AM11:30

Summer After-Church Cook Out - Father's Day

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Summer After-Church Cook Outs

Each month this summer, we’ll have an after-church cook out serving up grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with sides, desserts, and plenty of fellowship. Suggested donation of $10/person or $25/family. Join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship. All are welcome and invited!

June 18 - Father’s Day
July 2 – Fourth of July Weekend
August 13 – Back to School

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Order Mother's Day Hydrangeas
to Apr 23

Order Mother's Day Hydrangeas

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mother’s Day is May 14. As is our Mother’s Day tradition, Highlands will decorate our chancel with beautiful hydrangeas in recognition of our congregation’s mothers. Hydrangeas may be purchased for $45 in memory or honor of a loved one. Following worship, the plants may be taken to be given to your special someone. The last day to order hydrangeas is Sunday, April 23.

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Blessing of the Costumes
11:45 AM11:45

Blessing of the Costumes

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Sunday, October 30 to celebrate Halloween Highlands style! Wear your costumes to church and join us following worship for a seasonal fellowship meal and a carnival for the kids. We are in need of baked goods for a cake walk, additional Halloween decorations, and volunteers to help run simple carnival games and distribute prizes during the event. If you are able to help make this day memorable and fun for the children in our church, please contact Mary Elizabeth Neal at maryelizabeth@highlandsumc.net.

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Blessing of the Animals
3:00 PM15:00

Blessing of the Animals

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the people and pets of Highlands for the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 9. Come to the front lawn of the church for a blessing. We will have a photo station available for you to have professional photos taken with your family and pets. Please feel free to come and go as your schedule allows.

Don't have a pet who travels well? Bring a picture for us to bless instead!

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Order Mother's Day Hydrangeas
to Apr 24

Order Mother's Day Hydrangeas

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mother’s Day is May 8. As is our Mother’s Day tradition, Highlands will decorate our chancel with beautiful hydrangeas in recognition of our congregation’s mothers. Hydrangeas may be purchased for $40 in memory or honor of a loved one. Following worship, the plants may be taken to be given to your special someone. The last day to order hydrangeas is Sunday, April 24.

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Safe Sanctuaries Training Session - Remote
6:00 PM18:00

Safe Sanctuaries Training Session - Remote

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Safe Sanctuaries Training

A central tenet of our Christian faith is the inherent value and worth of all children, youth and vulnerable adults. Because of our commitment to protecting all who participate in the children and youth programming at Highlands, we are asking all members of our congregation to attend one of the Safe Sanctuaries training events we will offer in March. Training will be led by Drake Roberts, our Welcoming Ministries Assistant and a certified Safe Sanctuary trainer for the North Alabama Conference. Each training session will take less than one hour.

Remote training: Monday, March 7 at 6:00 pm on Zoom


Meeting ID: 834 3915 7223
Passcode: 559998

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Safe Sanctuaries Training Session
9:30 AM09:30

Safe Sanctuaries Training Session

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Safe Sanctuaries Training - March 6 and 7

A central tenet of our Christian faith is the inherent value and worth of all children, youth and vulnerable adults. Because of our commitment to protecting all who participate in the children and youth programming at Highlands, we are asking all members of our congregation to attend one of the Safe Sanctuaries training events we will offer in March. Training will be led by Drake Roberts, our Welcoming Ministries Assistant and a certified Safe Sanctuary trainer for the North Alabama Conference. Each training session will take less than one hour.

In-person training: Sunday, March 6 at 9:30 am in Room E209

Remote training: Monday, March 7 at 6:00 pm on Zoom

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Fall Acolyte Training
11:45 AM11:45

Fall Acolyte Training

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Acolyte Training - November 14

On Sunday, November 14, the worship committee will be offering acolyte training to any individuals interested in serving in worship. While we are largely expecting children and youth who are in 4th grade or higher, we welcome anyone, including adults. The plan is to provide lunch to all participants after the 10:30 service and then spend about two hours training acolytes and fitting everyone for robes. If you are looking for a way to be a leader in worship, we would love to have you! We would like for everyone to RSVP so we can plan for lunch and better determine how long we will need to spend with training. Thank you for considering becoming a meaningful participant in worship at Highlands!

Contact: Brian Bellenger – bellengerb@gmail.com | 205-410-6310

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Blessing of the Costumes
11:45 AM11:45

Blessing of the Costumes

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Sunday, October 31 to celebrate Halloween Highlands style! Wear your costumes to church and join us following worship for a seasonal fellowship meal and a carnival for the kids. We are in need of baked goods for a cake walk, additional Halloween decorations, and volunteers to help run simple carnival games and distribute prizes during the event. If you are able to help make this day memorable and fun for the children in our church, please contact Mary Elizabeth Neal at maryelizabeth@highlandsumc.net.

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Blessing of the Animals
3:00 PM15:00

Blessing of the Animals

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Blessing of the Animals - Highlands.png

Join the people and pets of Highlands for the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 17.

Due to damage from recent storms, we will no longer be meeting at Loch Haven Dog Park. Instead, come to the Highlands UMC parking lot. We will have a photo station available for you to have professional photos taken with your family and pets. Please feel free to come and go as your schedule allows.

Don't have a pet who travels well? Bring a picture for us to bless instead!

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Safe Sanctuary Training
11:30 AM11:30

Safe Sanctuary Training

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Safe Sanctuaries Training

Join us to learn more about the policies and procedures used at Highlands to project our children, youth, and other vulnerable groups. We will cover best practices for children and youth ministries volunteers, as well as specifics for work with Highlands children and youth. Volunteers with our children and youth ministries are required to attend one of the training sessions. For more information, contact Dick L’Eplattenier at dick@highlandsumc.net or 205-933-8751.

Alternate Training Session will be Sunday, August 22 at 9:30 a.m.

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