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Lenten Midday Communion
12:00 PM12:00

Lenten Midday Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a simple service of Holy Communion each Tuesday in Lent. Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall for $10.

April 1
Kathleen Lalor
Highlands United Methodist Church

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Lenten Midday Communion
12:00 PM12:00

Lenten Midday Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a simple service of Holy Communion each Tuesday in Lent. Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall for $10.

April 8
Deb Welsh
Cedar Bluff UMC & Weiss Lake Parish

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Palm Sunday Worship
10:15 AM10:15

Palm Sunday Worship

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at Highlands to celebrate Palm Sunday, in remembrance of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem!

We begin with a Palm Sunday Procession from the front lawn. Gather on the church front lawn at 10:15 a.m. to meet the donkey!

Celebrate Palm Sunday at Highlands with joyful songs and waving of palm branches in remembrance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Through our acts of worship and scripture readings, we embody both the cheering crowd of that joyful day, and the angry mob that will eventually call for Jesus’ crucifixion. The retiring procession on Palm Sunday takes place in silence, in contemplation of all that is to come this Holy Week and in anticipation of the coming Resurrection.

Parents are asked to pick up children from the Atrium at 10:00 a.m.

A nursery is available for children age 4 and younger.

The service will be streamed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and www.highlandsumc.net.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Parking is available at metered spaces on the street, at the Southside parking deck off Magnolia Avenue, and in the church parking lot located directly behind the church off Richard Arrington Blvd. Please reserve the church lot for those with limited mobility.

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Lenten Midday Communion
12:00 PM12:00

Lenten Midday Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a simple service of Holy Communion each Tuesday in Lent. Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall for $10.

April 15
Warren Nash
Highlands United Methodist Church

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion
6:30 PM18:30

Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion
The word "maundy" comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning commandment. On this night, the night Jesus was betrayed, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, gave them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them, and shared a Passover meal together. On Maundy Thursday, we celebrate Holy Communion in remembrance of this Last Supper. The final act of worship on this night is the stripping of the altar and Sanctuary of all symbols of Jesus' life and teachings.

Rev. Sam Hayes will be preaching.

A nursery is available for children age 4 and younger.

The service will be streamed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and www.highlandsumc.net.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Parking is available at metered spaces on the street, at the Southside parking deck off Magnolia Avenue, and in the church parking lot located directly behind the church off Richard Arrington Blvd. Please reserve the church lot for those with limited mobility.

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Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday
12:00 PM12:00

Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Good Friday recalls the day of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and death.

The Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday is a quiet, simple service of remembrance, incorporating prayer, scripture reading, sacred music, and silence. The service will last no longer than one hour. The Reverend Melissa Patrick will be our guest preacher.

The service will be streamed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and www.highlandsumc.net.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Parking is available at metered spaces on the street, at the Southside parking deck off Magnolia Avenue, and in the church parking lot located directly behind the church off Richard Arrington Blvd. Please reserve the church lot for those with limited mobility.

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Good Friday Service of Tenebrae
6:30 PM18:30

Good Friday Service of Tenebrae

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Good Friday recalls the day of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and death.

The Tenebrae Service, from the Latin meaning "darkness," makes use of gradually diminishing light, scripture readings, and sacred music to symbolize the events of Jesus' last week on earth, from the triumphant Palm Sunday procession through Jesus' crucifixion and burial. The service concludes in total darkness as the Christ candle is taken from the Sanctuary until Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday.

A nursery is available for children age 4 and younger.

The service will be streamed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and www.highlandsumc.net.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Parking is available at metered spaces on the street, at the Southside parking deck off Magnolia Avenue, and in the church parking lot located directly behind the church off Richard Arrington Blvd. Please reserve the church lot for those with limited mobility.

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Easter Sunday at Highlands - Children and Family Service
9:00 AM09:00

Easter Sunday at Highlands - Children and Family Service

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Easter Sunday Service of Holy Communion and Celebration of the Resurrection for Children and Families

Reggie Holder, preaching.

A joyful and abbreviated worship experience celebrating the Resurrection in scripture, song, and Holy Communion - perfect for families with small children! All are invited to the table in the United Methodist Church.

A nursery is available for children age 4 and younger.

The service will be streamed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and www.highlandsumc.net.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Parking is available at metered spaces on the street, at the Southside parking deck off Magnolia Avenue, and in the church parking lot located directly behind the church off Richard Arrington Blvd. Please reserve the church lot for those with limited mobility.

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Easter Sunday at Highlands
10:30 AM10:30

Easter Sunday at Highlands

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Easter Sunday Service of Holy Communion and Celebration of the Resurrection

The Reverend Dr. Bill Morgan, preaching.

A joyful worship experience celebrating the Resurrection in scripture, beautiful music enhanced by members of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, and Holy Communion. All are invited to the table in the United Methodist Church. There will be a children’s moment, but no children’s church or Atrium so that families may worship together. Children’s activity bags will be available in the Sanctuary entrances for use during worship

A nursery is available for children age 4 and younger.

The service will be streamed on Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, and www.highlandsumc.net.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Parking is available at metered spaces on the street, at the Southside parking deck off Magnolia Avenue, and in the church parking lot located directly behind the church off Richard Arrington Blvd. Please reserve the church lot for those with limited mobility.

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All Saints Sunday
10:30 AM10:30

All Saints Sunday

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Saints service of worship featuring the Fauré Requiem

Sunday, November 2, 2025 • 10:30 a.m. worship

The Choir of Highlands United Methodist Church
Richard Phillips, Choirmaster and Organist

This Solemn Requiem, one of the many jewels in the liturgical crown of worship, begins and ends in silence. In between, glorious music, full of yearning and hope, fills the church and our hearts as we remember all those who have gone before us.

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Festival of Lessons and Carols
4:00 PM16:00

Festival of Lessons and Carols

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Start your holiday season off by singing your favorite Christmas carols and hearing the Christmas story told both in scripture and song. All are welcome and invited.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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The Third Sunday of Advent
10:30 AM10:30

The Third Sunday of Advent

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Service of Morning Worship featuring The Choir and Chamber Orchestra.

Preaching – The Reverend Mikah Hudson
Liturgist – Reggie Holder
Choirmaster & Organist – Richard Phillips

Verger – Brian Bellenger


Once in Royal David’s City (IRBY)
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (MENDELSSOHN)4
O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES)

Sinfonia from MESSIAH - George Frederick Handel
Concerto in A Minor, Movement No. 3 – Vivace, Opus 3, No. 6 - Antonio Vivaldi

Lighting of the Advent Candle: 
Fantasy on PERSONET HODIE - Phil Lehenbauber

For Unto Us a Child Is Born from MESSIAH - George Frederick Handel
And the Glory of the Lord from MESSIAH - George Frederick Handel

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The Fourth Sunday of Advent
10:30 AM10:30

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Service of Morning Worship featuring The Children’s Christmas Pageant

Experience the story of the coming of the Christ child lovingly presented by the children of Highlands. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem as the ancient story is told and beautiful carols of the season are sung. A Highland's tradition not to be missed!

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Lenten Midday Communion
12:00 PM12:00

Lenten Midday Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a simple service of Holy Communion each Tuesday in Lent. Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall for $10.

March 25
Dorothy Ann Webster
Retired United Methodist Clergy

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Lenten Midday Communion
12:00 PM12:00

Lenten Midday Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a simple service of Holy Communion each Tuesday in Lent. Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall for $10.

March 18
Emily Freeman Penfield
Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Lenten Midday Communion
12:00 PM12:00

Lenten Midday Communion

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a simple service of Holy Communion each Tuesday in Lent. Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall for $10.

March 11
Susan Crow
Highlands United Methodist Church

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Choral Evensong
4:00 PM16:00

Choral Evensong

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Service of Choral Evensong - March 9

Join The Choir of Highlands on March 9 at 4 pm in the Sanctuary for a service of Choral Evensong for the Lenten season. Evensong, or Evening Prayers, is a beautiful choral music tradition in which the ‘song’ of voices in harmony is heard at the ‘even’ point between the active day and restful night, allowing listeners time for restful contemplation.

Contact: Rick Phillips – rick@highlandsumc.net

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Ash Wednesday - Evening Service
6:30 PM18:30

Ash Wednesday - Evening Service

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Ash Wednesday we join with Christians around the world in beginning the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday worship focuses on repentance and reconciliation. Ash Wednesday is an opportunity for us to go deeper into our hearts and into the souls of our communities, and to recognize the horror and depth of our estrangement from God. Through our worship and Lenten Discipline we begin a spiritual journey that takes us to a cross where Jesus gave his life for the life of the world. Such a journey is not easy and goes far beyond the surface of individual sin into the systemic roots that cause it. It is a journey that reveals the truth about our lives both individually and collectively. Through this journey we discover the grace and forgiveness of God in a most profound way.

Join us for worship in the Sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. The Reverend Maggie Dunaway will be our guest homilist.

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Ash Wednesday - Noon Service
12:00 PM12:00

Ash Wednesday - Noon Service

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Ash Wednesday we join with Christians around the world in beginning the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday worship focuses on repentance and reconciliation. Ash Wednesday is an opportunity for us to go deeper into our hearts and into the souls of our communities, and to recognize the horror and depth of our estrangement from God. Through our worship and Lenten Discipline we begin a spiritual journey that takes us to a cross where Jesus gave his life for the life of the world. Such a journey is not easy and goes far beyond the surface of individual sin into the systemic roots that cause it. It is a journey that reveals the truth about our lives both individually and collectively. Through this journey we discover the grace and forgiveness of God in a most profound way.

Join us for worship in the Sanctuary at noon. The Reverend Maggie Dunaway will be our guest homilist.

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Conversation with Rev. Doug Tanner
5:00 PM17:00

Conversation with Rev. Doug Tanner

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Highlands welcomes as our guest preacher on Sunday, January 19, The Rev. W. Douglas Tanner, Junior.

Doug Tanner is a United Methodist minister who came of age in his native North Carolina during the civil rights movement.  Doug’s deepest sense of calling is at the intersection of race and history, spirit and politics, complemented by another he often describes as “helping people in politics hang onto a piece of their souls.”  In 1991 Doug co-founded The Faith & Politics Institute, a nonpartisan interfaith organization in Washington, DC that works with Members of Congress, congressional staff, and others professionally related to Capitol Hill.  He served first as the Institute’s chief executive and then as senior adviser for 25 years, retiring in 2016.  Doug is married to Kathy Gille; they live in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood of Washington, DC and enjoy a second home on North Carolina’s Outer Banks.  Doug’s hobbies include folk music, storytelling, surf fishing, and sailing.


Doug will also be speaking on Sunday night, January 19 at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall on his interfaith work in Washington, D.C. and the annual Faith and Politics Institute Pilgrimage to Selma with John Lewis.

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Guest Preacher: Rev. Doug Tanner
10:30 AM10:30

Guest Preacher: Rev. Doug Tanner

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Highlands welcomes as our guest preacher on Sunday, January 19, The Rev. W. Douglas Tanner, Junior.

Doug Tanner is a United Methodist minister who came of age in his native North Carolina during the civil rights movement.  Doug’s deepest sense of calling is at the intersection of race and history, spirit and politics, complemented by another he often describes as “helping people in politics hang onto a piece of their souls.”  In 1991 Doug co-founded The Faith & Politics Institute, a nonpartisan interfaith organization in Washington, DC that works with Members of Congress, congressional staff, and others professionally related to Capitol Hill.  He served first as the Institute’s chief executive and then as senior adviser for 25 years, retiring in 2016.  Doug is married to Kathy Gille; they live in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood of Washington, DC and enjoy a second home on North Carolina’s Outer Banks.  Doug’s hobbies include folk music, storytelling, surf fishing, and sailing.


Doug will also be speaking on Sunday night, January 19 at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall on his interfaith work in Washington, D.C. and the annual Faith and Politics Institute Pilgrimage to Selma with John Lewis.

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Christmas Eve - Children and Family Service
2:00 PM14:00

Christmas Eve - Children and Family Service

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Service of Christmas Eve Communion for Children and Families

This service of Holy Communion for Christmas Eve will be tailored for children and their families - brief, beautiful, and filled with the joy of the coming of the Christ Child.

Streaming Video and Additional Information coming soon.

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The Fourth Sunday of Advent
10:30 AM10:30

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Service of Morning Worship featuring The Children’s Christmas Pageant

Experience the story of the coming of the Christ child lovingly presented by the children of Highlands. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem as the ancient story is told and beautiful carols of the season are sung. A Highland's tradition not to be missed!

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The Third Sunday of Advent
10:30 AM10:30

The Third Sunday of Advent

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Service of Morning Worship featuring The Choir and Chamber Orchestra.

Preaching – The Reverend Mikah Hudson
Liturgist – Reggie Holder
Choirmaster & Organist – Richard Phillips

Verger – Brian Bellenger


Once in Royal David’s City (IRBY)
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (MENDELSSOHN)4
O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES)

Sinfonia from MESSIAH - George Frederick Handel
Concerto in A Minor, Movement No. 3 – Vivace, Opus 3, No. 6 - Antonio Vivaldi

Lighting of the Advent Candle: 
Fantasy on PERSONET HODIE - Phil Lehenbauber

For Unto Us a Child Is Born from MESSIAH - George Frederick Handel
And the Glory of the Lord from MESSIAH - George Frederick Handel

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Festival of Lessons and Carols
4:00 PM16:00

Festival of Lessons and Carols

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Start your holiday season off by singing your favorite Christmas carols and hearing the Christmas story told both in scripture and song. All are welcome and invited.

Highlands United Methodist Church is located at 1045 20th Street South (35205) immediately behind the landmark fountain in the heart of Five Points South, Birmingham. Free parking for Sunday services is available at metered space on the street, at Highlands Bar and Grill on 11th Avenue S, and in the Five Points South Deck on Magnolia Avenue. A parking lot for first-time visitors and those with limited mobility is located directly behind the church, off Richard Arrington Boulevard.

All Are Welcome at Highlands:
Highlands United Methodist Church affirms that nothing can separate anyone from the love of God. We invite all to worship, wonder, and discover God’s grace as we aspire to create a safe space for all to participate fully in the life of this community of faith. We are called to shine as a beacon of hope, grace, belonging and respect for all people. Regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability, past or future, there is room for you at Highlands

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Sacred Dance Workshop
11:45 AM11:45

Sacred Dance Workshop

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sacred Dance Workshop

Each Sunday during Advent, our sacred dancers help prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the Christ child. Sacred Dance is open to girls and boys in 1st grade or older, including youth. Previous dance experience is not required! All dancers are strongly encouraged to attend our Sacred Dance Workshop with coordinator Jenny Hughes.

Please note that attendance at this workshop is not required for participation in Sacred Dance during the Advent season.

To sign up, contact Mary Elizabeth Neal at maryelizabeth@highlandsumc.net.

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Pipes, Pedals, and Pies - Organ Recital
3:00 PM15:00

Pipes, Pedals, and Pies - Organ Recital

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All are invited to an organ recital on Sunday, November 17 at 3:00 pm. Highlands’ Choirmaster and Organist, Richard C. Phillips, will showcase our beautiful M. P. Möller pipe organ (1952, Opus 8320). The recital is free and open to the public. Reception to follow in the Greeting Space with drinks and pie. Contact Rick Phillips at rick@highlandsumc.net for more information.

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All Saints Sunday
10:30 AM10:30

All Saints Sunday

  • Highlands United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Saints service of worship featuring the Fauré Requiem

Sunday, November 3, 2023 • 10:30 a.m. worship

The Choir of Highlands United Methodist Church
Richard Phillips, Choirmaster and Organist

This Solemn Requiem, one of the many jewels in the liturgical crown of worship, begins and ends in silence. In between, glorious music, full of yearning and hope, fills the church and our hearts as we remember all those who have gone before us.

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